Friends of Mildred

Meet Mildred.

Mildred was found in the summer of 2023 by Greece Animal Control and given into the care of GRASP Volunteers. Mildred was an older gal, and she was blind. We don't know how long she was fending for herself, but when we met her she was unrecognizable. Her coat was severely matted and her nails were so long, they curled onto themselves digging into her paws. GRASP Volunteers quickly got her the medical attention she needed. And while they trimmed back her nails and carefully groomed her matted fur, she returned the love covering our volunteer's face in kisses.

She was amazing, resilient and brave, and as sweet as they come! Mildred was adopted into a wonderful and loving fur-ever home, and although she only lived one short year after her rescue, it was a GOOD YEAR... for both her and her adopted family. And she touched the lives of every volunteer at GRASP. Her rescue story is one of the many stories of resilience and love at GRASP. Since 2018 we've found homes for nearly 3,000 pets, and countless many more since our founding in 1996.

Adoption fees cover only 20% of our expenses. The rest is covered by the tireless work of our fundraising volunteers. The timing of a broken leg or other major medical expense doesn't always coincide with a bake sale or raffle... and this past July the unthinkable happened. We were forced to close intake due to a lack of funds. We never want this to happen again. We must create a steady stream of revenue so we never have to say no to a stray dog or cat.

So in honor of our sweet gal who touched so many lives, we announce Friends Of Mildred. Join us and make a monthly commitment to support our ongoing labor of love. Your support will ensure that we never have to turn away any pet and we will always be there for the next Mildred who will touch our lives.

There are thousands like Mildred. And because of you, there is hope for them.

Monthly membership in the Friends of Mildred Club provides the resources for the critical rescue work that GRASP does on behalf of local animals.

To recognize the special way our Mildred's Club members are involved in this lifesaving work and to help you help the animals you care about, GRASP will provide you with the most in-depth and updated information about our rescue efforts. You will receive personal contact with our GRASP volunteer team, pre-registration opportunities for special events, and the Mildred's Club e-newsletter.

And best of all, you will know you are making a difference for animals in our area.

Friends of Mildred Club Levels

Friend -  $25 - $99 monthly ($300 - $1,199 annually)

Monthly membership in the Friends of Mildred Club provides the resources for the critical rescue work that GRASP does on behalf of local animals.

Your commitment ensures a steady stream of revenue so we never have to say no to a stray dog or cat.

Sponsor - $100 - $499 monthly ($1200 - $5,999 annually)

$1,200 may cover the cost of one common dog rescue or it can cover the cost of one litter of kittens.

A typical rescue is heavy in medical costs.

A rescued cat or dog will often require a wellness exam, spay/neuter, microchipping, vaccinations, flea, tick and heartworm treatment and prevention, and food.

Often rescued stray dogs will have ear infections that can almost double the veterinary costs. Rescued stray cats or kittens born outside often have goopy eyes and respiratory infections that increase the cost of care.

Leader - $500+ monthly ($6,000+ annually)

Major emergency expenses are always a surprise and can deplete our bank account quickly. A dog that is hit by a car and requires emergency surgery or a leg to be amputated. A cat that requires IV medications for survival. Each of these can cost into the THOUSANDS!

As a Mildred's Club Leader, you ensure that we can always make decisions that are in the best interests of the animal and never have to deny care to any rescued pet because of money.

Yes! I want to join GRASP’s Friends of Mildred Club today!

(A Mildred’s Club volunteer will contact you personally.)