Dog Application What are you applying for? * Check all that apply Foster - provide a temporary loving home for this dog Foster - interested in fostering in general Foster To Adopt - provide a temporary loving home for this dog with the option to adopt if it is the right fit Adopt Dog's Name * What attracted you to this dog, or what are you looking for in a dog? * Name * First Name Last Name Address * City, State, Zip Code * Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Occupation * Employer * Please list the adults in your household, and their ages * please include yourself Please list any children in the household, and their ages: * Are all members of the household in agreement about adopting or fostering? * Yes No Are any household members allergic to pets? * Yes No Do you rent or own your home? * Own Rent Landlord Name Landlord Phone (###) ### #### Are you moving in the next 12 months? * Yes No Unsure Please list all pets living within your household, including name, age and breed: * Are your pets spayed or neutered? * Yes No No Pets If not, please explain: Have you had other pets in the past 5 years? * Yes No If yes, for how long and what happened to them? Please list the names and phone numbers of all veterinarians that you've taken your pets to within the last 2 years: * Please explain any current or past experience you have with dogs: * What is the average number of hours the dog will be left alone daily? * Select One 0-2 3-5 6-8 9+ Why do you want to add a new dog to your family? * Please explain where your dog will spend their time while you're home, and while you're not home: * Where will your dog sleep at night? * Do you have a fenced in backyard? * Yes No Partial Please descibe your yard: * How will your dog be cared for while you're on vacation? * What types of activities and exercise will you provide for your dog? * Do you have a contingency plan for your pet(s) in the event you are no longer able to care for them? * Yes No Please briefly explain your contingency plan: Have you applied to adopt or foster a pet through GRASP or any other rescue organization within the past 2 years? * Yes No If so, please explain: Have you ever surrendered an animal to a shelter or rescue group? * Yes No If yes, please explain: Do you agree to a home visit by a GRASP member? * Yes No If not, please explain: Thank you for completing your application. Due to the increase of apps, we ask for your patience & allow up to 7 days to hear back from us by phone or email. Thank you!